Thinking Out Loud

Neat Freak or Organizer?

Each workday afternoon at around 4:10 Joan begins straightening up her desk, putting files and objects where they belong, hesitating now and then as she holds or looks through some papers. Overall, she moves energetically and seems very purposeful and cheerful as she edges toward quitting time at 4:30. Read More

Reach For It

As often happens when teaching the Communication Styles Framework, someone will spontaneously say, “Oh, I just realized something I’d never thought of before.” This happened recently during a workshop with a management group. Read More

Just Let Me Do My Job

Barry has fifteen years experience in public accounting. He takes pride in his work and likes new challenges. Henry, Barry’s boss, likes to stay connected to his team. He asks questions about how things are going, frequently asks for updates, and is genuinely curious about others. He’ll stop a team member in the hallway or pop into someone’s office to get information about pretty much everything. Read More